Saturday, May 07, 2005

capitalizing sucks

one thing you'll notice is that i hate capitalizing in emails, i dont know why - i mean its just moving your pinkie like two centimeters down but i find it to be an annoyance. even in business emails i dont do it sometimes if i sort of know the this uncommon?
punctuation is optional. sometime's i'll use that apostrophe, sometimes i won't. commas, however, are dope. i think i overuse them, maybe, not?
i generally don't fuck with the semicolons, what do they do anyway?

1 comment:

ChuckJerry said...

Semicolond do serve some sort of function. It's something like if you have two sentences that really say the same thing then you can use a semicolon. I'm not exactly sure.

I usually don't fuck with them either.