Monday, June 27, 2005

hi, welcome to scarborough country...i'm your host, pat buchanan

has anyone else noticed that pat buchanan hosts scarborough country as much as scarborough? shouldn't it be buchanan and scarborough country? maybe bucharough country or scarcanan country?

as talking heads go, i kind of like scarborough. i don't mind pat buchanan so much all the time either. i mean he's kind of a xenophobe and a religious nut but at least he thinks his own thoughts. chris matthews is my favorite of the evening news guys, i think he lets both sides get their points in and seems to enjoy what he's doing. tim russert is the best but that's a different level of political discussion than cable news. hannity is just absurd. he just follows the administration line like 99% of the time. colmes is even worse, what a bitch. how does this guy look at himself in the mirror every day. i mean, he's got to realize what a stooge he is. he's really fucking ugly too. i watch o'reilly fairly often. he's kind of a dick but he's entertaining. brit hume is an asshole but i watch him too if i'm home.

with the exception of meet the press, which isn't really the same thing, i don't make a point to watch any of these people but when i flip the channels i definitely spend more time on the cable news than anything else on average. this is roughly my surfing order, i think:

1. msnbc
2. fox news
3. national geographic
4. history channel
5. vh1
6. cnbc
7. mtv
8. espn

maybe then i'll hit a network or two but i really never watch them.

by the way, if anyone can tell me why in the world donny deutsche has a talk show i will give you five dollars.

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