Tuesday, August 30, 2005

I Have Nothing to Say But it's OK (Good Morning! Good Morning!)

OK, so I don't have anything in particular to say today but it's been long while, shouldn't-a-left-you without a dope blog to pro-crastinate-to.
The Mets look like they're coming together, which is pretty dope. You know why I just thought of that? Because Dave is yelling about it while he's peeing. Yep. Apparently, the toilet is broken too. Dave's pretty tossed. Jokingly, I said - "Man, you must have had three tonight" to which Dave responded, "Yep, you're right!" The man gets drunk easily, what can you say?

You know what I don't get? In Mississippi and New Orleans there are mad people on the tops of their houses crying and all freaked out and whatnot. Don't you just want to say, "Hey, asshole - they TOLD you this hurricane was coming, 90% of the people left, why didn't you just bounce like everyone else?" Well, I do at least. I mean, it's not like an earthquake or a tsunami or anything sudden like that. If I'm standing in the street and I see a car streaking down the street two blocks away, I get out of the street. Sure, it may stop or miss me but it's just so much more sensible to get out of the way.

I guess maybe if you're mad old or mad poor and have nowhere to go I could sort of understand, but you're still mad old and/or mad poor but now you're also MAD wet.


ChuckJerry said...

They definitely should have just bounced. Now they're just begging to be saved from their own stupidity.

Yo, I just intentionally shot myself in the foot. Can you help me out because it really hurts?

Anonymous said...

Glad to see that you are finally talking like those kids in DC. I knew you were one of them.

Aspiring Poet

Anonymous said...

I never realized how ignorant you really were.. I mean you should be blessed to be brought up in Affluent Northern New Jersey with everything you ever wanted or needed.. and able to support yourself now. You clearly dont see the whole picture.. and neither do your idiot friends.. Keep rockin it!

Anonymous said...

So what is the whole picture?