Thursday, October 13, 2005

When Bush Comes to Shove

The second term has not been kind to President Bush, so far. It's probably too early to call his second term a failure just yet but things are looking bad for Dubya and the Republicans as well. Luckily for them, the Democrats are a bunch of pussies in whom I have little faith. In fact, I can't even tell you anything about what they stand for or believe in. Let's recap what's been going on in The Second President Bush, Part II:

  • Upon winning a 'decisive victory' by, what - 3% of the popular vote? - declared he had 'political capital and intended to spend it'. Them's fightin' words, Dubya! And fight he did, he picked the Big Motherfucker: Social Security. Yep, the third rail of American politics. Privatizing accounts to some degree, which I don't know is a bad idea but, as he is wont to do, just glossed over the enormous gap there would between incoming and outgoing money. Oh well, I guess we could just borrow it from China. Survey Says: X
  • Iraq voted on a referendum in a free in election. They voted on the people who would go and write the Constitution. An important and very positive step on the rocky road that could lead to democracy and stabilization in the middle east, of course it could also lead to a failed, rogue, civil war stricken, terrorist harboring country. I bet figuring out where to go must feel like driving throught Queens the first time. This was certainly a bright point, though. Survey Says: Ding
  • John Roberts nominated as new Supreme Court Justice and then Chief Justice. I don't know if there was anyone more well-qualified and less controversial person in the country. Yes, he may not vote how I want and I may end up really not liking him but it was hard to argue against his confirmation. Brilliant! (to be said in that Guinness commercial voice)
  • Iraq in General. I mean, come on. X
  • N'awlins. What in God's name was he thinking? I have no idea. Apparently, after a few days Scott McClelland made a DVD of all the fucked up shit going down and was basically like, "yo man, you probably ought to do something about this shit". Only then did Bush act. Then he went down there and told 'Brownie' he was doing a 'helluva job'. He's promised to build the most super duper city ever and spend whatever it takes and all that but no one is in charge and there are no plans. This is poised to turn into a mess. This is when the Bush Presidency may have jumped the shark. Worse than Leonardo DiCaprio joining 'Growing Pains'. X
  • Nominating Harrier Myers to the Supreme Court. What was he thinking? What we she thinking? I guess she was thinking, 'Wow I'm going to be a Supreme Court Justice - cool!" (Get it?) I think Bush was thinking that she's his friend, she kisses his ass, she's a bright woman, she's a...lawer! (can't you see the imaginary light bulb go off in that cartoon bubble as he thinks of this?), she's God-fearing Christian and that means she'll vote against abortion and, on top of that, she has absolutely positively has no paper trail at all. All I've read so far are some very boring, uninteresting, no statement taking newsletter that she wrote as the President of the Texas Bar Assocation. Things like, "We must end collective acceptance of this inapropriate conduct and increase education in professionalism". Well, that and like 20 birthday cards of mutual cheesy exclamation point filled admiration between her and Dubya. Great. He managed to piss everyone off. Conservatives are more pissed than Liberals. She probably will vote conservative I think. Bush seemed to basically be saying, 'Trust me, she'll vote how I would want her to' which is bordering on inappropriate. The right sees two words: David Souter. But wait! She's mad Christian. She won't change her mind - like .... when.... she ....became a born-again Christian in her late 30s. And what's up with Nathan L. Hecht - are they fucking or what? What if it turned out she were a lesbian? Pat Robertson's head would explode*. He'd probably suggest asassinating her. Did i spell that wrong? I feel bad for her, I'm sure she's a smart lady but I don't think she's like Supreme Court brilliant with credentials that scream Supreme Court Justice. I wouldn't be surprised if she got denied. Survey says: X.
  • Economics in general. Not looking so good. Oil prices spiking, deficits skyrocketing, the Iraq war is not ending anytime soon, New Orleans needs to be rebuilt, the massive drug bill coming into effect in '06 - what to do? Cut taxes, of course. He just keeps cutting taxes and keeps spending more money. It's ridiculous. X
  • The Rove factor. What is going to happen? Did he or didn't he? What about Scooter? Will they be indicted, fired or be given a promotion and the Presidential Medal of Freedom? (Jeopardy music begins to play....)

Stay tuned....

*Guiney, Brian - blogpost # 2 of 4. (

1 comment:

ChuckJerry said...

This post is dope for two reasons.

1) The Family Feud style approval or rejection.

2) A footnote.

By the by, you can delete those spam comments if you're interested in doing that. Also you can turn on a feature that basically blocks them.