Tuesday, May 10, 2005

bob dylan is the man

about 7 or 8 months ago i got on what proved to be a prolonged bob dylan kick along with my roomate, chris.
i had always, of course, knew who the guy was and liked the songs i knew but since i've started listening to him frequently i'm astounded by just how great his music is. there are a ton of songs i just know from a mix cd that chris has made or random compilations (did i spell that wrong?) like 'if not for you', 'quinn the eskimo', 'don't think twice it's alright' and many more.
blonde on blonde is a masterpiece, there isn't a bad song on the album and 'visions of johanna is beautiful'.
highway 61 revisited, though, is possibly my favorite album of all time. at the very least it's up there with abbey road or any other beatle album and kind of blue (miles davis). the first verse of 'highway 61 revisited' is hilarious with the conversation between God and abraham. by the way, for any dylan fans, i was reading this interview with the drummer on that album - whatever his name is - and he was saying that the party-whistle thing in 'highway 61 revisited' (those of you that know the song/album know what i'm talking about) was something he wore on his neck and blew everytime he saw someone doing drugs in the studio during the recording of the album (which, by the way, took a grand total of two days). i never get tired of 'just like tom thumbs blues'.
i think my current top three artists (group or individual) would read like this:

1. the beatles
2. bob dylan
3. led zeppelin

the beatles are still safely in the number one spot, but dylan is not counted out yet.


ChuckJerry said...

I still can't can't into Dylan. I'll have to listen more closely, perhaps.

The actual music is enormously simplistic, though obviously that's not the appeal of Dylan. Maybe I'll pick up an album and put some effort into it.

Also, it's sortof like arguing if I like eating or breathing better, but I prefer Zeppelin to the Beatles, who are a fairly close second on the "best band ever" list.

Another point is that I actually have made an effort and I can't really get into the Stones. I don't get the huge appeal. They've got maybe 10 awesome songs and the rest are kindof mediocre.

Max said...

Congrats for finally getting caught up with Dylan, Lukey. I have most of his albums.

Another one you should pick up is Blood on the Tracks. It's from the 70s (1975? 1976?), and is a tremendous album as well. It may be as good, or just a notch below, Blonde on Blonde and Highway 61.

A personal favorite of mine is Planet Waves (1974). It's not as highly recognized as his other albums critically. It's him and The Band backing him up.