Wednesday, July 20, 2005

What a Nice Day

It makes me think of the 'Hello Song' from Ms. Clatworthy's music class in grades 4 & 5. It's a call and response song and at he beginning of music class, she'd pick one person to sing the call and the rest of the class would respond. This was one of the more terrifying things about 4th and 5th grade for me. I had to sing the solo part in fourth grade, although in fifth grade I dodged the bullet. Anyway, without further ado - here's the song (with solo on the left, chorus on the right and the parts where everyone sings to gether in the middle):

How d'you do?
How d'you do?
How are you?
How are you?
I'm fine
Me too
I'm happy
I'm happy
Seeing you
Seeing you
Been a long time
Been a long time
What's new?
What's new?
It's a beatiful day
A beautiful day
To take a walk
To take a walk
A beautiful day
A beautiful day
To sit and talk
To sit and talk
How are you?
How are you?
I like you!
It's a beautiful day
To take a walk
To sit and talk
And say


Anonymous said...

Singing solo could not have been too bad of an remembered the whole song!

Anonymous said...

Luke, this is the gayest post you've ever written.

Not that it's not nice that you remember the song...

It's still gay though.

ChuckJerry said...

I don't remember the "I like you" part. I know we've talked about this before.

Also I remember it slightly differently, but not much.

Anonymous said...

i'm with jerry. i don't recall the "i like you" part and i don't think"it's a beautiful day...etc" was ever in two parts. i think that was when the whole class came together and sang at once.

I am, however, always baffled and yet slightly impressed at what goes thru your mind.

Anonymous said...

we have definitely ALL sang this wasted in random bars throughout the years - and luke is great.