Monday, July 18, 2005

Surround Sound

As many of you who have spent time at my two apartments over the last few years (as well as Chris and Dave's Gold Street aparment) know, the stereo we had - given to me by my parents circa 2001 - had seen better days. It skipped, the display didn't work, the CD player tray was broken (you had to use the CD-R drive), and didn't always even turn on (although it turned on by itself every night at like 11:02). It was a major source of frustration.

In about 2003, Dave and I vowed to purchase a new stereo. Two years and three apartments later, the ol' gray bandit has been retired.

Dave and I set out yesterday afternoon to buy a new rug for our living room and, instead, returned with a Phillips 750 megawatt surround sound stereo (with a CD/DVD player as well as radio) complete with four wall mounted speakers, a center speaker and a woofer.

We are planning on office-spacing the stereo on our rooftop. Those of you who have seen the movie know what I mean.


ChuckJerry said...

I wan tto be present for the first viewing of "The Big Lebowski". Holla at yo' boy.

Max said...

I want to be present for the office-spacing of your stereo. It's like a pinata though... it's not much fun after somebody else gets to smash the brunt of the object. Nobody wants sloppy seconds.

You know, in the future you also might want to think about keeping your CDs/DVDs in their respective plastic cases, rather than near ash trays, on the floor, etc... That tends to help preserve quality.

When is the event?