Friday, August 05, 2005


When I started my blog I set one sort of ground rule: that I don't capitalize. So why have I started, asked Max.*

That's a good question, Max - I think it's a little more aesthetically pleasing to read something that's properly punctuated.
I suppose a blog is a tad more formal than an email so I've started capitalizing.
I still don't capitalize person emails, though - but I generally do in work e-mail.

*For all you grammarians, should there be a question mark in this sentence? If so where? I mean, it's a question but the ...", asked max" no longer makes it a questions, I'm just quoting Max. I think that's right.


ChuckJerry said...

I feel like the proper way to write that sentence is:

"So why have I started?," asked Max.

Though there's at least a 50% chance that I'm wrong.

Max said...

So, "why have I started?", asked Max.

That's my vote, though there's a 49% or more that I'm wrong also.

Anonymous said...

I think it should be:

"So, why have you started?", asked Max.

if you're quoting Max.

Otherwise, you should just say:

So, why have I started? ...