Monday, October 24, 2005

Yes, She Said It With a Straight Face


Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas derided any potential perjury charge as a "technicality," and suggested Fitzgerald may be trying to show that "two years' of investigation was not a waste of time and dollars."
Other Republicans with close ties to the White House suggested that Fitzgerald was looking at perjury and obstruction charges because he was having trouble proving that officials knowingly leaked the identity of a covert operative.

When Republican strategists are coming up with talking points on how to handle these possible indictments, I wonder if they don't realize how much statements like these just drip with irony. I mean, they must, don't you think? When someone points out how hypocritical the "perjury isn't that big of a deal" defense is, what can they possibly counter with? "Well, Karl Rove and Scooter Libby were lying about whether or not they outed a spy to smear a critic that claimed the administration manipulated evidence about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq in order to justify a war they really wanted to fight, I mean, come on! How petty can you get?! Bill Clinton, now that guy was lying about blowjobs - that's morally reprehensible and he should have been kicked out of office!"

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