Tuesday, January 24, 2006


Today I took an Ashtang yoga class at the New York Sports Club on Wall Street. I had done Pilates two or three times but I think this is even harder - maybe less of a workout but more stretching.
First of all, before anyone scoffs at the notion of taking a yoga class - I challenge you to try it first. That shit is difficult.
There were like 20 people in the class and about 17 of them were girls. The two other guys were a hippy and an effiminate asian dude. I was most definitely out of place. Actually the Asian dude got really into it right away and after about five minutes took his shirt off, which I thought was a bit strange. The yoga-master or whatever they are called quickly instructed him that club rules were to wear a shirt at all times. Also, a note to all you guys out there - there are some pretty hot girls in yoga classes.
A yoga session is pretty much what you'd expect. They start and end with this 'ommm' chant thing, which I can't bring myself to do. I just feel too stupid. Then you go into the 'up-dog', which is arching your back toward the ground, then you do the 'down-dog' which is the opposite. Then they get into some ill shit. You kind of like jump into all sorts of crazy positions, like balancing on one leg while raising your other above your head, or sitting in the 'lotus' position and generally moving your body in all sorts of strange contorted ways.
Breathing seems to be very important, long and deep breaths and you get into some sort of rhythym. I'm not there by a long shot. I was concentrating on the pain of moving my legs and arms into positions they've never been in before.
The lady yoga-master also speaks in some weird code. She'd calmly call out something that sounded like total gyberrish and everyone would jump into a position. My reaction was generally: 1. 'What the does that mean?' 2. Then I'd look around and see what everyone else is doing and think to myself, 'you've got to be kidding me' 3. Try to get as close as I could to what everyone else was doing (to varying success levels).
In any case, it's a pretty good workout and I kind of like it and think I'll do it again.


Mariette said...

Yoga teachers can be called gurus, though most don't use the term, which can be used for any kind of teacher, really.

Yes, it is hard. After a few months, when your flexibility increases and you're breathing right and you get comfortable in the asanas (the poses), it's totally worth it.

Also, every class I have ever taken, there is always a gay guy and there is always a hippie.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

when did you come out the closet?